
Friday 31 July 2020

Kalpana Chawla Biography | Why Kalpana's Space Shuttle Crashed? What Happened to Kalpana Chawla in Space

India's first woman Kalpana Chawla explored space and she died in 1 February 2003, when she was returning from space. 

Kalpana Chawla always said that she is made for space. Always spent her time for space and she will die for it.

And it was true. At the age of 41 she explored space for 2nd time. When she was returning from space, She died in a tragedy.

It becomes interesting to know about that space tragedy.

Kalpana completed her 1st space journey in STS 87 COLUMBIA SPACE SHUTTLE. And the duration was from 19 November 1977 to 5 December 1997.

In her 1st space exploration she spend 372 hour in space and completed 252 rounds of Earth.

In 2003, she went in space for her 2nd space exploration. It was 113th mission of Columbia Space Shuttle STS-107. STS-107 launced from Earth in 16 January 2003.

1 February 2003 was the date of her return from space. Every news channels was showing about her return from space. It was the biggest news of that day.

STS -107 was moving toward the Earth. But, just before 16 minutes of landing. Space Shuttle blasted into peaces. Kalpana died in that tragedy. Other 6 astronauts from her crew were also died in that tragedy. They performed 80 experiments in space.

After this tragedy NASA inspected about that incident. In this inspection they found that in the day of launch, one part of foam insulation of outer tank was broken . 

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